Cosmetic Dentistry

At Long Beach Choice Dental, we want to help you achieve your most radiant smile possible. We offer a variety of treatment including: Invisalign to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, in-office whitening, composite bonding and porcelain veneers.


At your initial consultation with Dr. Choi, we will determine if Invisalign is the best choice of treatment for you. If you are a good candidate, we will begin with taking records with custom impressions of your teeth along with photographs and any additional x-rays as needed. Invisalign will then create a custom set of aligners that will fit tightly over your teeth. They will need to be worn a minimum of 22 hours a day and will then gently shift and reposition your teeth into their ideal positions. These aligners will need to be changed every two weeks and Dr. Choi will monitor your progress until your smile transformation is complete.

In-Office Whitening

Dental whitening is an incredibly popular procedure because of its convenience and the dramatic aesthetic improvements experienced by our patients.

Composite Bonding

Dental bonding is a great way to address minor chips, decay, and coloration problems in the teeth. A layer of resin material is applied to the tooth with extreme ease and no pain and often done without the use of anesthesia. This procedure is a good option for patients whose case does not require the use of full veneers, but who could use some minor cosmetic repairs.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain or ceramic veneers are a great way to address misshapen, chipped, broken, misaligned and otherwise damaged teeth in a generally healthy mouth. The existing tooth is slightly reshaped and resized to accommodate the veneer. We create a color-matched and custom-shaped veneer that is slipped over the tooth and bonded permanently in place. Veneers are extremely durable, making them an excellent choice for the long-term health and beauty of your smile.